Mississippi Memories...Part 2

So the Christmas holiday has come and gone. Everyone has basically either gone back to work or is wondering how much closer to oblivion we'll all get when we go over the fiscal cliff. Have you ever noticed that nothing is ever decent to watch on TV immediately following Christmas? I went ahead and yakked about that on my YouTube page ( www.youtube.com/creamcitysista1970 ). I am at an age where I don't care about all these damn college football bowl games leading up to the big boys on New Year's Day. Play them games, make lots of dough for your schools, and get off my TV! (Kick Stanford's ass in the Rose Bowl, okay, Wisconsin?) Since typing my blog late on Christmas Eve, I have recalled a few more memories about my late dad's home state, Mississippi. You know, the one state in the US that has four "eyes" and still can't "see" how screwed they really are? Forever steeped in racial backwardsness, the Magnolia State is at or near the bottom...