Getting Excited...Then What?

Some of you have at least read my previous blogs about wanting to express my feminine side at church this Sunday. That's all fine & dandy.At my church, all are welcome, including the LGBT! But forgive me for waiting so long to finally do this. I will make a YouTube video about it as well! I can always take more photos of me dolled up, right? Now, I am deciding between a few outfits that I currently have in my wardrobe. This I know: most of these outfits I have worn in the past at least once. Many are in pictures scattered about my facebook page. Also in my possession is my trusty hot comb, or to you a hair straightener, which I have used scarcely, most recently prior to Rockford Pride. I do need to improve how my hair looks instead of constantly greasing it back with some hair gel that's supposed to keep my hair growing. Last I checked, it's somewhat thin in the back, bush on the sides and flat on the brow. Even obtained a curling iron not too long ago. Must give it a try after I wash my hair again.

Here's the deal: Service at my church only lasts about an hour, meaning I can get back home in time to watch my Packers cream somebody. Many actual women dress to the 9's for the sole purpose of being seen in church. I'm a witness to this, 'cause I did attend a black church long before knowing about LGBT-friendly churches. My question is simple: Why go through all that mess for up to prepare for church, sit there for an hour or two, then go home or whatever & promptly wash it off? Same thing goes for us guys. If we had a suit & tie, we'd do the same thing after service unless you had to go back for Sunday evening service! I missed a Super Bowl because of this!!! This self-imposed hype about me wanting to show my feminine side as in the picture above is only a fluke. My friends are backing up on this matter, so it's all good. That's why pictures are invented...maybe they will last longer!

To get my mind off of the subject, I went ahead & did some laundry...something my roomie Mariah pays little attention to since relocating two weeks ago. Even decorated the walls here to make this more spacious motel room feel more like, well, home. Eh, it would feel nice to get back on hormones again. Now, it's time to gather some info to get myself prepared church's upcoming bazaar. I did say I wanted to get some kind of free exposure for my little travel show. And who knows? Should Sunday go well, I'll try to do it once a month. Maybe the entire month of June, since it is Pride month. Ok. I've tortured you by my blog long enough tonight. Please respond to this. Input to this story=good!


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