My Transition: Year One
Going through some past facebook postings here. When I mention an anniversary in my life, i'd want to make sure I remember the actual date. Take the moment my life changed forever during the month of April 1998 back in Milwaukee. To this day I can only know that it happened on a Tuesday. I paid $75 for a dominatrix to transform me into something beautiful. Shame that person wanted nothing to do with me after that. Do I remember the actual DATE of this re-creation? Not really. I went to see some old calendars to locate when that moment actually happened, but since it's my history, I can always make up the date and pass the knowledge unto you. You're still reading this blog, so I am assuming it's all true. (and yes, I do know the little joke about when a person assumes something-makes an ASS out of U and ME!)
Well, tonight's nightly voyage about my facebook's storied history has alerted me that the actual date of my actual transition is a whole lot sooner than first thought. Seems the actual date of my transition is...April 2, 2014. (Excuse me for a second...I think I fell asleep at the laptop last night (3/29) while constructing this blog, and it might have pissed you off had I left it alone. So I removed it. Then again, it wasn't about anything at all.) Well, I may admit I have no real time table of when I actually posted the news of my transition a year ago. I just decided, "the hell with it. I'm changing teams and ain't nobody telling me shit!" Would you believe I have to actually backtrack my blogs here to find out when I made the announcement? No, my ass isn't getting Alzheimer's anytime soon. Hope not. OK, it was titled Transitioning to A Better Self... That's where I summed up the experience. Then I followed it up with a video called The Transition Begins. Relax, you guys. Both of these items are still available here. Of course, that damn video had me speaking as if I had with one damn tooth in my whole mouth. That shit's going to change in next video I will do.
I know what you are going to ask me. What have I learned going an entire year dressing as Kayleah? Hmmm. Shaving's a bitch, yet it has to be done. I have gotten to learn not to cake on so much foundation on my face, too. Just a dime-sized amount can cover up my facial blemishes. As a plus-sized person, the selection of clothes for me isn't as plentiful at all the resale stores an online places when money is scarce. Buying a few hairpieces beforehand has been close to a God-send. I am going to wear one of them throughout April to celebrate my anniversary. Going out in full female attire doesn't bother me. The landlord and one of my neighbors have continued calling me by the given name, but I digress. I took a big step in being en femme while using public transportation. No problems to report. Just a plus-sized sista getting around town until she can get another car. Even the mail I receive has "Kayleah" on it. The folks at the post office did wonder who this person was. They now know she's part of my travel business! Loving my church, who have embraced me since my announcement last year. Still feeling quite comfortable,too.
While all this is going on, I still have to upgrade myself. Having a gig would help greatly. I also have to get new clothes and shoes so I can look good being wherever it is i am at. Currently seeking a hormone doctor. Can't wait to get started with that. With my teeth soon to be delivered, I would like to take an actual professional picture. I did that once about a decade ago while Walmart had a photo studio. It's time to update.
I know what you are going to ask me. What have I learned going an entire year dressing as Kayleah? Hmmm. Shaving's a bitch, yet it has to be done. I have gotten to learn not to cake on so much foundation on my face, too. Just a dime-sized amount can cover up my facial blemishes. As a plus-sized person, the selection of clothes for me isn't as plentiful at all the resale stores an online places when money is scarce. Buying a few hairpieces beforehand has been close to a God-send. I am going to wear one of them throughout April to celebrate my anniversary. Going out in full female attire doesn't bother me. The landlord and one of my neighbors have continued calling me by the given name, but I digress. I took a big step in being en femme while using public transportation. No problems to report. Just a plus-sized sista getting around town until she can get another car. Even the mail I receive has "Kayleah" on it. The folks at the post office did wonder who this person was. They now know she's part of my travel business! Loving my church, who have embraced me since my announcement last year. Still feeling quite comfortable,too.
While all this is going on, I still have to upgrade myself. Having a gig would help greatly. I also have to get new clothes and shoes so I can look good being wherever it is i am at. Currently seeking a hormone doctor. Can't wait to get started with that. With my teeth soon to be delivered, I would like to take an actual professional picture. I did that once about a decade ago while Walmart had a photo studio. It's time to update.
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