
I don't know. It has been a little while since I really took some time and just shot the breeze on this blog and talked about what's going on with me right now. Since I am watching this forgettable Alec Baldwin flick The Shadow on Movieplex, I guess there's no better time than the present to maybe think about what's going on in my world. Penelope Ann Miller? Damn, I thought Kim Basinger was in this. There is a scene where you know this Mongolian warlord is wearing a fake beard-when the hair glue doesn't stick to his face! It was a cheesy flim when i first saw it back in 1995. the film was a dud, so don't worry about seeing this get as much of a cult status like Showgirls with Elizabeth Berkley. Baldwin's also wearing a fake schnoz, too! Only so many comic book adaptations should be allowed to get consideration for the movies. Those suits from the 40's will always be classic attire for men; red was the only available lipstick shade for women, who mainly wore skirts/dresses. My, my have times changed over the years!
What you see above is one of the few makeup-free pictures I have in my collection. I was looking at a lot of them from the past decade and obviously wondered where did the time go? I mean, yeah, I can go a little while sans the feminine war paint. That is, until my whiskers show up! My hair, boy, that is going to be another story. My friend & fellow sista Juanita did a good job for a last-minute 'do during our weekend together in 2010. Respect the hot comb, ladies! Now if I only was that creative in styling my own hair, I'd probably get more attention! 

I think this was my first time there. Forgot who these girls were. One moved to Las Vegas and the other I didn't know too well. I miss that outfit I wore that night. One of the few one-piece outfits I could've still worn today. Think I still have the hairpiece. This was one of those times where I did my own makeup! What do ya think? Lord knows there really isn't nothing wrong with a person my size having some fun, right? Of course, this was also before I grew my hair out and colored it golden bronze to masquerade the gray hairs! I admit I also used those press-on nails, too! 

October 26, 2002 I got to celebrate my 32nd birthday at Hunter's. The sequined evening gown was a present from a friend...at a cost of $400. I should be glad the damn thing actually fit me! You know there aren't as many gowns like this for people my size, you know. Would you believe I actually DROVE to Hunter's in this outfit? Don't worry-the motel was only about two blocks away. Mariah did my makeup here...not as crazy looking at it these days. This is why I started doing my own makeup. At least she bought me the tiarra and scepter to complete the package. speaking of which, had I only kept up the maintenance on those things they'd still look as good as in the pic! I since sold that gown on ebay. Well, what would YOU want me to do with it? I got to wear it on occasion like here and doing a number at a local bar in town. Yes, everyone, I know if I was a smaller size, I could've had a few more of these. Oh well. Me being a drag performer at my age could've been interesting, but my ass would probably get tired of the genre. I started about 6 years too late anyway!

For 50 points, guess where my actual hair ends and my hairpiece begins. If you don't know, why should I tell? The date on the pic is right-August 12, 2001. I insisted I use this land-based cordless phone to get some attention from you. Well, does it work? Still have the shirt, though not the pants. Needs buttons. Mariah kept wearing them and tore a big hole in the mid-section! Some way to kill a Saturday night! 

Well, I know it's late blogging about this. Easter is in two weeks. Spring is supposed to start next week on the 20th. So is the NCAA tournament, so college basketball fans rejoice! That jazz will come and go, but my interest of me getting all dolled up will never get old. Why? Let this special link from one of my YouTube videos explain it..scrambled eggs and brown sugar.  The urge to dress up never leaves once you start, and it's like a wonder tonic we take to make people like myself feel better. I know who I am, dressed or not. I have accepted it wholly. Am I going to post some more pics? Yes, eventually. Can it lead to a full-time hobby? I'll take a rain check on that one. But you never know what it may bring. 

Now I have said my piece for tonight (3:12 a.m.), I want to hear what your comments are. Yeah, some of you will show your support, that i welcome with open arms. One idiot mentioned that i was "a mess". This person had no photo to show, so he/she may look like Joan Rivers getting flattened by a manhole cover. Speak your piece, everyone!!


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