New Beginnings & Old Shit to Forget

So, on 10/7, I officially became Kayleah Hutchins Madison. WHOOPEE!!! Then, the celebration eventually wears off, and I  get back to driving that crappy taxicab until I  get a  new gig....and eventually, a new apartment. I just got my driver's  license  to fully show my new name ....and gender. I can't  say that many natural-born women speak with a low tone of voice or wear makeup on a daily basis. No, I'm not going to  start wearing feet need to be comfortable when I roll! Nevertheless, I am now a legal woman....of trans decent, of course!
The name and gender change is one of the pinnacles that I wanted to  accomplish  in 2015. Of course starting with my new set of teeth for my smile, then finding this cab gig after  being out of work for years, a return trip to the Chicago Pride Parade, and most recently, I am in the process of getting  something you  badly need in a town like this: a set of wheels. So it's  pretty ancient in today's  scene,but it gets you where you need to go. Even landing a new job!  The call centers are still hiring, I hear, which is good news; also have a few other options as well to help pay that ride off. Thank God for the opportunity to  get  back to work!
As for the living arrangements , that's  another  story. After calling the motel room home for the past  three years, my roommate and I  are having our rent skyrocket  to nearly $1000/mo. Time to move...back to the place where we first crashed following  our eviction in 2011. Only for a few months, mind you. Then we'll  have enough for the security  deposit , application  fee and the gas and electric , both of which we have outstanding  past debts. May they be forgiven!!! Ditto  for the cable,too! Maybe we planned to leave earlier this year,but we didn't  think about it at the time. One thing at a time, I guess.  Had my J O B been more promising, the move would've  been done already. Things happen.
Now here I am, on the eve of my 45TH birthday, I am in the process of preparing to get all of our Shit packed up. Another day? Eh, probably so. I have my Baskin-Robbins  coupon for a free scoop of ice cream. Pizza Hut offers me a free order of cinnamon  sticks with the next online order. Anything else? Just my friend Alice giving me $ for each year of my existence . The church did sing "Happy Birthday" to those who have a b-day this week...including me. Last year I even decided to bring a cake, equipped  with those numeric candles!
So what will It  take  want to accomplish in year #45? Maybe finally  get my ass in shape ? Become  a role model  in being a transwoman of color? How's that possible ?  I have only told a few people  about who I  am. They're  all cool with it. They know I did this to be  the  person I always  wanted to be. I'm  actually  accepted by my peers. My voice...not that worried .  I  no longer call myself a cross - dresser. Lame! Just got a b-day email from I  haven't used  that site  in a while. Thank for the greeting, though!


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