A New (True) Beginning
This coming Wednesday, October 7, 2015, one saga of my life will come to an end. On the other hand, something will finally become a reality. Being my seldom masculine self has been moderate at best. However, I knew I was different since childhood, and at times I couldn't help myseĺf being someone else. I have mentioned this many times before in previous blogs. It's always nerve-wracking at first. Later on, it becomes a part of you. Then, you see yourself AS that person, and you don't want the old life you once had.
This transition always came with a price; family, job, house, or even your life. I took my chances abruptly relocating to the Rockford area from my beloved native Milwaukee in 1999; my family basically gave a damn and all but severed ties with me. Didn't even come home for my dad's funeral in 2007. My choice. 17 years after first arriving here, I'm finally comfortable with my feminine identity. Next week, my name will officially be changed to Kayleah D. Hutchins Madison. I shouldn't be nervous by any means. This has been a long-term goal of mine that's coming true at last .
Why do I feel that last-minute bout with the butterflies deep inside of me? This is a dream come true! I don't care if my family calls me the black sheep of the family . My èldest sister refused to accept my so-called "lifestyle choice" when we last saw each other 13 years ago. Screw her! I do, however, plan to get a portrait of my new self and send it to my other sister in Minnesota as a Christmas present. At least SHE KNEW this was the direction I was going. Annette does accept me....she'll just have to get used to saying "Kayleah" instead of my soon-to-be former name. To many damn people have had difficulty saying it right!
This was a choice I was going to do this long before the hype over Caitlin Jenner transition this summer. I have the respect of the cab company folks I've been driving with. However, I still have to watch my ass in this town. I REFUSE to be among those transwomen of color who have lost their lives being at the wrong place at the wrong time . I have gotten plenty of nice comments from my patrons about my hair, makeup or even my attire. NONE have insulted or attacked me in any way, shape or fashion. And I plan to keep doing it my way! I don't know who I can inspire, but maybe I can help any transyouth to head in the right direction.
My hormone therapy is going weĺl, even though knowing it may take months before actually seeing results . Being a plus-sized transwoman of color isn't all it is cracked up to be. I'm not wanting to be someone's poster girl. Real transwomen do have curves on their body, and that's NOT where it counts! I also have to mention about my lifetime weight problem. I just received a letter from my doctor that I may have diabetes. I am disappointed in letting myself go over the years. I can mention that in my last doctor's visit last week that I weigh 421 lbs. Damn. Before I got the cab gig I was riding the bus everywhere & even doing some walking about. I weighed only 409 lbs. Curse my weakness for fast food and plenty of sweets!
In the coming weeks I will also be celebrating my 45TH birthday. Yeah, that close to 50. All those years letting myself go....what can I possibly do to change both my eating habits as well as becoming more able-bodied down the road? I do have some trans sisters who are older than me and look great! So I don't have the financial means like they do. Lord knows if I did, I would visit them more often. I have this 20-year reunion coming up in the spring at my college Alma mater in New Orleans. Having a new identity with a slimmer body would always be nice . Sigh.
Still don't have my own ride...which was something I had planned on achieving this year along with the name change. Someone has a ride all set up for me. Just need to come up with $900 and it's mine. I think it's a 1981 or 82 Buick Electra Park Avenue. I can still wish my dad had bought something like that instead of an 81 Buick Century ! Damn thing has no back windows! Yet I wound up driving that to New Orleans for my last semester of college. I eventually wrecked the motor in that baby in 1998...the same year the person now known as "Kayleah" was born.
Over the years I admit I have made a host of mistakes and procrastinated on career goals following college. No need reminding me on that. Now that I am about become known as a woman, I ask myself what can a middle-aged person like me do to reinvent oneself . Geez, I'm typing this entire blog on my tablet instead of my aging laptop ! At 4:16 in the a.m. On the weekend before my name and gender become feminized!
I just ask God to help me take better care of myself, just in case I do want to get the SRS surgery to have a cave installed where my Cadillac currently resides! I may still want to get married one day as the blushing bride in white. Maybe even want bigger "pleasure pillows"! And to just have fun as my new self until He calls me home in a white El Dorado convertible!
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