Here Comes the Holidays
We are now in the last month of 2014. Not far now from Christmas and the beginning of 2015. The days are short and crisp, the nights are long...and the tension over TWO grand juries NOT pressing charges against the police after they were involved in shooting deaths of two unarmed Black men - one of them was clearly seen via smartphone in a choke hold - is still seething in the minds of numerous Americans from all walks of life. They have been showing their anger of police force by marching down our main streets and highways protesting something we blacks know all too well...police mainly doesn't give a shit about us.
I have heard the reports out of the horse's ass themselves. Grand juries hardly ever indict the officers sworn to protect them. Even in the case of Eric Garner, who as I mentioned was taken down to the ground via a choke hold AND recorded AND seen by practically everybody, justice should have come for New York's finest on the asthmatic hefty father of 6. How could a grand jury be so dumb? I figured that these peers where all mainly caucasian and/or wealthy pricks who were picked in secrecy and maybe paid off by someone who didn't want the blood of the alleged on the NYPD's hands. Remember, the grand jury in Ferguson,MO was 3/4 white, which if you put two and two together, eventually left Michael Brown's family utterly disappointed.
Add the recent shooting death of a 12-year old Cleveland boy holding a toy pistol who was shot almost instantly by a rookie cop, who (surprise surprise) was also white. The tension between white cops and the black communities continue to simmer more than an immense pot of Louisiana gumbo. This Cleveland cop may lose his badge over this, as now-former Officer Wilson, the one who shot and killed Brown in August. Wilson was a little bit cocky in that interview he gave ABC news, and everybody knew it. White cops getting away with intentional homicide. The families of Brown, Garner, and others just get to weep. You can just think about what the KKK did in celebration of their Anglo-Saxon bretheren getting off. Think 1963 near Philadelphia, Mississippi. Nuff said.
Forgive me, my dear readers. I wanted to shell out my two cents over these recent bullshit non-indictments. My commentary is no-holds barred, just like those punk NYPD cops that got to walk after taking down Garner, choke hold style. I give that warning at the top of my blogpage, so you have been warned. There was some GOP politician who added his beliefs saying if Garner didn't have health problems and not so chubby, he would've survived this travesty. BULLSHIT TO THE CREVICES OF HELL!!! I'd love to see that asshole in that banned wrestling move. Maybe it'll make him think more clearer.
Melissa Harris-Perry mentioned on her show recently that all of this mess has been a long time coming. I'm paraphrasing here. Seems as an African-American, I never had it made. MHP referred to scriptures from past novelists and journalists about how the black man was depicted (for a better word, feared) by the white man long before the Civil War. Something like this: Black man walks up next to white man. White man scared of how black man looks. Doesn't know black man has same equalities as white man, yet doesn't want to hear about it. Thinks black man may attack him by appearances alone. If white man get in trouble, put blame on black man. That way he'll get framed for it and we won't have to see him anymore! I believe filmmaker Michael Moore stated that clearly in his Oscar-winning documentary, Bowling for Columbine.
Keep in mind now, we blacks do know right from wrong. Just only some folks have had it bad since Day One. Unemployment, Poverty. Crime. There are areas of every US city that has this same problem, and IT'S UP TO US to do something about it. Having Rev. Al Sharpton come over for tea and scrumpets and talking about the situation of our neighborhoods is NOT helping anybody. Right winger folks will whine about they (lower-income folks) had their chance at improving their lives, but waste it drinking, drugging and getting into serious offenses. (keep your pants up while you're reading this. your sloppiness is creating a bad influence on yourself. I may be plus-sized, but i at least know how to be presentable to the outside world. sheesh!)
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