Insanity thru Calamity
While I am continuing my transition into womanhood, I noticed that this world has flat out gone to hell and back. All of the shit that's going down in the Middle East is flat out crazy. This ISIS group beheaded an American photojournalist last week, and threatens to repeat the same thing to another American if we don't stop these airstrikes in Iraq. President Obama has sent the troops home and that damn nation can't even get its own government to get its shit together. Maybe Saddam Hussein was doing Iraq a favor.
Then you have what's going on in Israel. Gaza folks and Palantines are fighting to see who has the bigger cock and who can use it more wisely. Scary enough to even fly to its capital, Tel Aviv. Syria is even worse. GOP has been blasting Obama on how he's been handling all of these issues coming at him with no sense of mercy. Fuck 'em. He's only one person, and you'd need balls of steel and then some to deal with this buffet-style controversies. Leave him alone!
I haven't forgotten about Michael Brown, the St. Louis-area teen who was apparently gunned down by a white cop. All of the turmoil over how this circus all started, who's side is more believable to the press, and what will be the consequence if this cop's actions was justified. Please tell me were not repeating what happened in 1992 in L.A. after the white cops were justified in beating Rodney King to a pulp. I stayed up all night watching ABC's World News Now on the whole ordeal. It's a simple fact that for sometime in Black history, African-Americans were not treated well against Caucasian law authorities. Check your history books. Now that two weeks has passed since Brown's shooting, I've been hearing more details about one of the witnesses' credability, how funds for the cop has exceeded those for Brown's family lawsuit, and those ever-present protests on Ferguson, MO's main streets. INSANE!!!
Back to my situation before I start a riot of my own. Last week I went to a local medical clinic in hoping to resume my hormone treatment. Well, it didn't go well. Only because my medicaid plans was through another clinic. I am setting up a new patient appointment next week for this doctor to help me out. Meanwhile, I didn't mention that I went out in full attire on public transportation, the first time I went through it alone. Was I nervous? Nah. After four months living as a transgendered woman of color full-time, it was nothing at all. People did like my hair, too-the same one I wore at the Chicago Pride Parade. Here's a close up:

The more I go out, the more relaxed as who I am. Now, it's also only a matter of time when I start driving again and having a new place to call home.
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