October Story, 2013 Version

It’s nearly the middle of my favorite month, October. This normally means two things to me: Halloween, and of course, my birthday. I’ll still be a giddy sumbitch when it comes to getting my scare on. It’s usually more funny when you scare somebody else than the other way around, which has rarely happened. Last year, I got to attend a Trunk or Treat gathering at my church. This is a safer way to do your trick-or-treating around Halloween. Kids still get to dress up as who they desire, remaining in the church parking lot so their parents can keep an eye on them. I will admit that I personally never got to do any trick-or-treating when I was a kid. In Milwaukee, trick-or-treating was done solely during the daylight hours of 1:00-4:00pm on the Sunday before Halloween. How conservative they were! But there weren’t that many kids my age in the north side neighborhood where I grew up. Besides, my dad once saw me with a purple wig with golden strands and a large clown nose and got mad at me, wondering where the hell do they sell crap like that. (Answer: Walgreens!) He was born right before the Great Depression, so he never really had much fun growing up.
At least I have seen trick-or-treating done on Halloween night the
right way here in Rockford. Granted, when 5:30 comes along, the sunset will
have all but faded into the western sky, leading to scores of kids knocking on
doors for the next two hours searching for the occasional sweet treats like candy
corn, chocolate candy bars and anything else they can accomplish. I still look
forward to watching It’s The Great
Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! on TV! Even after all these years, you never forget
a classic like that. Another year to remember my wasted childhood years. A far
cry from what my cousin got to do at my age. At least his sister was around his
age, so they did more stuff. For those kids-at-heart (i.e., grown-ups), there
still may be a party or two in town to attend, lasting until bar time (2:00am). Pray those parties happen on a Saturday
night! You’ll have to wait a few years until it happens again (2015). It wouldn’t be as much fun when it falls on a
Sunday. Imagine those Sunday sermons!!! Heaven and Hell in the same sermon!
What are the odds??
Anyway, I have been
trying to make up for lost time on Halloween fun by going to a few parties at
the Office Niteclub. It was in 2004 or 2005 where I decided to dress up like a
witch, albeit with silver makeup instead of green. That wound up getting me
into a costume contest, where the crowd was more attracted to a half-naked
firefighter instead of my getup. Oh, well. I am planning to go out with a
friend for this year’s party. I got some makeup from Walmart. All you really
need is a good idea. You know I have been fascinated with makeup since
childhood. Why the hell should I stop now? I don’t care if it’s women’s
cosmetics, latex, or even the special effects kind, I LOVE MAKEUP!!! Yes, I have
watched that Syfy series FaceOff. Those
guys are quite good. I personally wouldn’t mind being one of those models they
can try their creations on. Scare the
shit out of those creeps I hate.

Did I mention that this year’s Halloween
party is supposed to be on October 26? That just happens to be..,my birthday. Every
five or so years my coveted b-day falls on a Saturday. Not like I’ve done
anything that special (Hunter’s Birthday Queen ’02 (see above photo), Dad taking me out for
pizza, drinking my sister’s champagne while taking a badly-needed dump, etc.).
What will happen on this year’s birthday? Hell knows what’ll happen. I never said
I was a party animal. So I am going to become a year older until I keel over.
God I am hoping it’s still a long way off. I still have dreams and goals that I
want to realize. Nothing is more depressing than not getting to do the goals
and dreams in a lifetime.
Yours truly got to do some shopping at Walmart this week. Since I have no idea on the birthday thing, I decided to get myself an early birthday present, courtesy of Ben & Jerry's. I went ahead and bought one of my favorites, Pistachio Pistachio, and this limited flavor just in time for the fall season, called Pumpkin Cheesecake. Oh, man did it taste so good! You will have to go get that flavor while you still can...or find a way to get to Vermont and ask them to make more. See ya soon!
Yours truly got to do some shopping at Walmart this week. Since I have no idea on the birthday thing, I decided to get myself an early birthday present, courtesy of Ben & Jerry's. I went ahead and bought one of my favorites, Pistachio Pistachio, and this limited flavor just in time for the fall season, called Pumpkin Cheesecake. Oh, man did it taste so good! You will have to go get that flavor while you still can...or find a way to get to Vermont and ask them to make more. See ya soon!
I don't celebrate birthdays anymore. I celebrate everyday. As a cancer survivor, I stay positive everyday. Before my cancer surgery, which my cancerous bladder was removed because of 2nd hand smoke, I was stunned, traumatized by not only having almost 4th stage cancer, but 7 hrs of surgery, with 24 stiches. After surgery, I was initially depressed, not being able to wear a bikini, and jeans, because a removable pouch is attached to me, to remove fluids from my body. Nothing has ever changed me before this happened. I transitioned, living full-time, retired, and happy. Because of my Social Security, and pension, I live comfortably. Yes, I drive a used car, and basic furniture to appreciate having just enough to get by. As we grow older, our bodies do change, so in closing, "Capture the moment, enjoy each and everyday."