Cocoon2Butterfly: A Legacy
As I'm typing this, it's Labor Day Weekend 2024. Yep, another summer is about to bite the dust in a few weeks. While I'm thankful for still having my gig driving folks around to and from their respective medical appointments, it's been a bizarre summer for me. More or less, a bizarre 2024 in general.
Since I have noticed I've not posted anything on my blogpage in over a year, you can blame me for not keeping this damn page current. Adding crap on Facebook is easy. Remembering that I had a blogpage when you're thinking about everything else in my world is entirely different. Especially when you've been trying over a decade to construct an autobiography using the contents of past blogs from this page to tell a story. Yet not every story can be made simply by memory alone. There are moments from my childhood I may remember well, but others are not worth retelling. Hell, it's not making me become a wealthy sucker anytime soon.
I realized I hadn't made a post on this blogpage in over a calendar year. Mainly my shit has been going only on Facebook. Oh well. One of my cats went outside and got herself lucky for all the wrong reasons. Diamond became the mother of five- one of them skedaddled- and have made this home of mine crazy. These little fuckers running around my home, knocking stuff over. They've gotten to the point where I threatened their butt's with spray in their beady little eyes. I'm still going to give them away, so Silver and myself can have some peace and quiet as summer fades into fall.
Making things worse, I strangely came down with a non-serious back injury. My lower left back has become painful to even sit down. I wound up taking nearly a week off work because the pain was worse than seeing Trump become president again. ...which I hope like hell he doesn’t! Anyway, I went to the hospital to see what this was. Following some x-rays in a frigid screening room, the doctor tells me I came down with sciatica, which connects the lower spine of my back to my left leg. What was a doozy was I only in the hospital for only a few hours. Since it was so late at night, I had thought they'd at least keep me overnight. No soap, but at that time it was frosty in the ER, and I was blanketed with some fresh-out-of-the-dryer sheets, making me sleepy. One of the doctors then knocks on my door, and informs me of my discharge from the hospital. That shit woke me up, and I wasn't having it. By 2:45 am, they sent over an Uber, which got me back home. They got me a couple of prescriptions for the pain, yet it not go away. I had Walgreens deliver it to me. My back was basically stuck on the bed, and it hurt like a tooth getting pulled just to lift my left leg. Damn near came close to falling off the bed multiple times thanks to the dent in my months-new mattress. Several weeks has gone by, and thankfully the pain in my lower back isn't as forceful. I did look up some info about getting rid of this pinched nerve. It said that it can be conquered with everyday medicine, like Aleve and Advil. Now, I have to get some health insurance so when I go to therapy, I shall be alright. Here's the ironic twist: since about March, around the time after I had blown $350 for the new mattress( box spring was free), my right ankle had been giving me hell for mysteriously being sprained. It didn't give me many problems while my vacation down to Dallas for the BTAC festivities, yet it came back when I returned. The pain from the ankle forced me to have Mariah do the weekly laundry chores, which she's terrible at. When I started getting pain in my back, it's not hurting one damn bit! Talk about some odd shit right here, folks! Where's that goddamn ice pack at!?
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