Maybe It's Just Me...
If you are reading this blog by now, the Academy Awards just took place last night. I've definitely been a fan of the show for countless years going back to my Milwaukee days. Green Book, which told the story of a Black pianist requesting an Italian-American to drive him across the Deep South in the early 1960's, won Best Picture, with Mahershala Ali winning his second Oscar in three years for Best Supporting Actor (his first was just two years earlier for the same award for Moonlight, which also won Best Picture). Kudos to both Regina King and Spike Lee, first time Oscar winners both. Nice to see Black Panther become the first superhero movie to win an Oscar, although the cast itself weren't nominated, but the supporting crew for costume and sound did. Yes, I admit I am definitely a dreamer. Over the years no matter what I did, wherever I was, I would dream, if not vision, that it was yours truly whose name was called as the winner of an Academy Award. If #BrewTown...