In Celebration of Mom-and Me

In the first 30-days since my legal name change to Kayleah H. Madison, I have downplayed the excitement of being a new person with a new identity and gender. I  go do my job driving a cab for a third-rate taxi company, conversate with the passengers, collect the dough, and eventually gas up. Obviously  I  do use the women's  restroom - and get the hell out of there before some cry baby overprotective  God- fearing parent expects the worst while I  am doing my business! My customers  do refer to me in the correct pronouns, like she, her, ma'am, and of course, a woman. Good. Makes me feel  better about myself.
Every November  24 is usually a somber day for me. Those who've  read my older bogs knows what I'm  talking about. To those newcomers of my blog, that's the day my mother was called home. For many years I  blamed myself for saying the hurtful comments the very last time I  spoke to her. One Sunday a few years back, I got to sing the lead with my church choir singing the gospel classic , OH HAPPY DAY. What I  didn't  mention was that performance fell on the anniversary  of her passing. I mentioned this to my church, and a hush blanketed the small, predominantly white congregation. Then, I  felt tears in my eyes, and I  didn't  hold back. This was NOT FAKE. It really happened. So I  dedicated  my singing of the song in memory of her.
Today, the first November  24 following  my legal transition to womanhood, I  decided to no longer use this day as a day of mourning of my late mom but of a celebration of double  proportions. First, as the person who brought  me into this world 45 years ago,and secondly, in celebration  of the  person that's  now her third daughter. Imagine what my two elder sisters will say about this!!?? I can say my sister Annette, who resides along with her husband in Minnesota, is supportive  of my transition. She kinda knew  I  was heading in this direction, anyway. My èldest sister Charlotte, on the other hand, might not be as much.
I don't  know how the rest of the family feels about this. So I  haven't  been asked to come to any family picnics. Fine! They haven't  even dropped me a post card. Oh well. I'm at an age where I  am  living my life, and they've  seemingly made their choice. As long as God wants me here on earth, I hope that I can do the things that He wants me to do. 
To do a little "celebrating", I finally did something to improve my image as a woman- I  went to the nail salon and had my nails professionally done,  with a chip free gel on the top! #43 is the equivalent of a sparkling dark green or turquoise. You should see the shine! I admit I nodded off a little as the nail staff, consisting of decedent's from Vietnam (the tone of dialect gave it away) were giving my nails a buffing that's normally  seen on cars. Nice! The guy said this was one of their new colors, and suggested  I  should come back and try another shade for the holidays. For $45, I  just might do that!


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