The Tooth Hurts, Doesn't It
since the service of my friend judy last weekend was still fresh in my head, i forgot to mention the other news that has been going on with me. as of right now, i am doing something that has been in need of work. this week, i made myself a promise and begun having my teeth extracted in order for having a new set of dentures. Was it going to hurt? hell, yeah! but i deserved getting these novocaine shots in my gums in order to have the teeth pulled. i let them go to waste and never took great care of them. one day in 1997 i bit down hard on a toothpick and chipped a tooth. this eventually started a chain reaction that led to what i am doing now. i had a job back then where i did have dental benefits, but didn't take full advantage. made an appointment, blew it off. drank a lot of soda, which didn't help the process of good teeth, either. rarely brushed them,too. when i posed for a portrait more than 10 years ago, i could clearly see the fault in my teeth. doing those youtube...