What's so special with this "LOVE" thing, Anyway?

Today is February 14, also known as Valentine's Day. I am burning the midnight hour, watching BOTH the Winter Olympics from Sochi, Russia and the Academy Award-winning 70's flick The China Syndrome on Crackle with Jane Fonda, Michael Douglas and Jack Lemmon. No purpose of doing both, but I did post a few anti-love songs on my facebook page.  This is the time of year when you see a host of advertisements about what to give our special on on this day. I don't even waste my time with all that shit. All the candied hearts, flowers, chocolate and lame-duck love songs in this world can produce won't be able to profusely mend a lonely heart like mine. 
I know what you're thinking when you read the above paragraph. You'll probably considering me as an all-out, take-no-prisoners, hope-the-world-ends-before-we-get-older anarchist who'd rather sell my soul to a horde of immortally nocturnal, ungodly flesh-eating grotesque cannibals that not even Kate Beckinsale from all those Underworld flicks wouldn't touch even if she jumped out guns a-blazing out of a Victoria's Secret catalog wearing one of those black lingerie outfits that's been back-ordered for the past 12 months from that's known to kill all the joy-loving, happy-go-lucky, lovey-dovey jackoffs that crave Valentine's Day-themed songs, movies and all else in between that would buy practically everything their dumbfounded offspring would see everyday on TV, then maybe ask questions later.  (whew!) If you believed all of what I posted above, you are welcome to go fuck yourself with an Arizona cactus or a Texas-sized chainsaw. Your choice.
Nobody seems to get the message given by the accompanying Green Day video here. Tre Cool was basically telling folks who dissed the group's success to, well, fuck off. Same goes for any jilted lover in this world. Blu Cantrell did a song a decade ago about being dissed by her lover...and she made him pay dearly the only way possible-cleaned his ass out financially! Here's the link for Hit 'Em up Style (Oops!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMOKlXfXn50 An old Klingon proverb says 'revenge is a dish best served cold.'  Think of it as a warning to all you baby daddies, gold-digging tramps and high rollers. You don't have to live in the big city to see this through a stained-glass window at a local cathedral or synagogue. This whole ordeal happens everyday in Hollywood or Las Vegas. We 'normal' Americans get to laugh at their expense. It's talk show fodder! Better all that shit happen to them that to us, right?
Recently, I wanted to play a Valentine's Day-themed song at my choir rehearsal. All that lovey dovey crap about love gets so soapy it makes me wish we all were diabetic. Don't give me that "Oh, that's so schweet!" nonsense. Gag me with a rubber hose up your nose! I know the perfect anti-love song: Love Stinks by the J. Geils Band.   The song's chorus speaks for itself. No need for sugar-coating it, either.  Just listen to the beat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0LAs7X5ybE A classic never dies! What was with the fish and the tomato in the video, by the way? I did think about Joan Jett & the Blackhearts' I Love Rock n' Roll for this genre, but I may wind up digressing afterwards. Her song I Hate Myself (For Loving You) would be MUCH more appealing here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPkTGm4RtVM I do feel like that sometimes. 
While at college, I made myself an unofficial founder of something called the Lonely Hearts Club. So it was a take off of the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album. They weren't going to sue me anyway just because one full-figured schmuck didn't have a serious relationship with a girl. It's supposed to go long beyond what goes on behind closed doors. I have never been a sex-crazed individual, so that has become a turnoff at my age. Feel free to diss me because I never had the cojones to flat out say to a girl that I liked her. One Friday afternoon, I just went ahead and asked one person, 'Wanna knock boots tonight?" We knocked it the next night under the evening sky right by a freeway overpass due to me getting a headache. Think some bugs got up her chimney, too. The school did eventually figure out we were gettin' it on, but only for that. 
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDm9p5ndnYM Using this one-hit wonder from 1982 to explain that moment. Do YOU remember this tune?  Pattie Sue, where are you? 
So now, at age 43, I can say that being in love doesn't phase me much. All my cousins in my family that I know of are all hitched to the wagon with someone. Which leaves me unaccounted for. Marriage is dicey at best. I visualized myself at the alter, with the girl of my dreams walking down the aisle. Maybe dreaming about being in love is a lot better than actually being in love.  I even have at times tried to love myself. Good luck there. That is one thing I admit I have failed to do in my life. Why? Too many distractions from something called... life.   


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