
Showing posts from November, 2015

In Celebration of Mom-and Me

In the first 30-days since my legal name change to Kayleah H. Madison, I have downplayed the excitement of being a new person with a new identity and gender. I  go do my job driving a cab for a third-rate taxi company, conversate with the passengers, collect the dough, and eventually gas up. Obviously  I  do use the women's  restroom - and get the hell out of there before some cry baby overprotective  God- fearing parent expects the worst while I  am doing my business! My customers  do refer to me in the correct pronouns, like she, her, ma'am, and of course, a woman. Good. Makes me feel  better about myself. Every November  24 is usually a somber day for me. Those who've  read my older bogs knows what I'm  talking about. To those newcomers of my blog, that's the day my mother was called home. For many years I  blamed myself for saying the hurtful comments the very last time I  spoke to her. One Sunday a few years back, I ...