
Showing posts from April, 2014

Brush with "Redefining Realness"

Maybe God wanted me to eventually discover my womanhood. I do believe in positive omens in this world. There just happened to be signs for which way the Lord wants us to go. You just have to listen. For example, the motto of the United Church of Christ tells us that "God is still speaking". In my case, I hope that I am still listening when He talks to all of us. He gets to communicate with us in a way that we "get it". As you may recall in an earlier blog I posted some time ago, I had wondered what my late mother would say about her only son becoming her third daughter. Should you take a closer look at a picture of her primal years side by side a recent picture of me, you may see some resemblances around the nose, eyes and mouth region. The recently golden-bronzed bouffant of mine would change everything. My mom wore short-haired wigs most of the time that I can remember. She left a few of them after her passing from cancer in her kidneys in 1979, along with a ...

After I Started Being Feminine Full-Time....

Alrighty now. It's been a few weeks now since I made my decision to become Kayleah on a full-time basis. Mariah was one of the first people I announced this to (not counting those on my facebook under my given name). She already knew this was coming. Hell, we've been living together for nearly 15 years anyway. She's been caking on the stuff on her face long before I even met her at that gender gathering outside Milwaukee. She'd get on me when I haven't dressed up for anything in a while, which at most would lead me into a state of depression. I did get some positive responses from a few people from both my high school and college days, even one from my cousin on my mom's side. Now I do have myself some immediate goals in mind, including having my name legally changed to Kayleah withing 6-10 months...or earlier, you never know. When this month began I didn't want to wait any longer about my urges to apply foundation, eyeshadow and lipstick to my face...

The Transition begins...


Transitioning to A Better Self...16 Years Later

Recently, I decided to make a major announcement in my life. I announced on my fb page that after 16 years of countless photos, YouTube videos and many memories along the way, I decided I wasn't going to wait any longer and finally begin to live as Kayleah on a full-time basis. Over these years I have actually lost count on how many pictures of me that were taken, but it was well over 400. Then I started doing the YouTube videos (around 30 at last count), which are still up and running to this day. Most of these pics I also put on my flikr page as well, even those taken off my webcam. OK, from the day I first saw myself dolled up in 1998 to the present, I never said I looked anything like one of those ultra-skinny supermodels that walk the fashion runways in Paris or Milan. Then again, neither do my fellow T-girls of color. We look just how we look, only a little bit happier. This was a pinnacle chain of events that happened to me. It's as if God was wondering, "What took...