
Showing posts from February, 2014

What's so special with this "LOVE" thing, Anyway?

Today is February 14, also known as Valentine's Day. I am burning the midnight hour, watching BOTH the Winter Olympics from Sochi, Russia and the Academy Award-winning 70's flick The China Syndrome on Crackle with Jane Fonda, Michael Douglas and Jack Lemmon. No purpose of doing both, but I did post a few anti-love songs on my facebook page.  This is the time of year when you see a host of advertisements about what to give our special on on this day. I don't even waste my time with all that shit. All the candied hearts, flowers, chocolate and lame-duck love songs in this world can produce won't be able to profusely mend a lonely heart like mine.  I know what you're thinking when you read the above paragraph. You'll probably considering me as an all-out, take-no-prisoners, hope-the-world-ends-before-we-get-older anarchist who'd rather sell my soul to a horde of immortally nocturnal, ungodly flesh-eating grotesque cannibals that not even Kate Beckinsale fr...