Faith & Trans: Two things That Normally Don't Go Together
Since February I have mainly taken sort of a sabbatical from attending Spring Creek UCC. Mind you, there is nothing wrong with the church. I just figured the congregation would be both racially mixed and younger to appeal to the LGBT community. Neither has happened in the time there. I know there is a small LGBT posse here in the Rockford area, and yes there are a good number of folks of color here, too. There are a good number of people making a sort-of new start from Chicago. Some of my taxi passengers have started referring to the Forest City as "Little Chicago". I can agree on that presumption. I still tell those folks that my first glimpse of this town reminded me of Jackson,MS, where my aunt, uncle & cousin call home. Too many damn roads filled with potholes, dilapidated buildings and hopeless dispair. And yours truly has called it home for nearly 18 years. Where the fuck could I relocate to at my age? Texas? California? Back to Milwaukee, where it seems times hav...