
I've been putting off writing my final blog of 2015 until the right time. Oh, hell. I guess there never really is a right time to review the last 12 months. At the start of the year, I was in the process of having my front teeth pulled in order to get some dentures to finally smile again. Now as the year closes, I'm back in an apartment for the first time in nearly five years! Of course, the icing on this year's cake was seeing a longtime dream come true by legally becoming Kayleah. That was also later followed up by seeing my gender changed on my driver's license, too! The motel days are OVER!!! I never thought that I would return to driving a taxicab in this forsaken dump of a town. The last time I had driven a cab here i got the heave-ho. That was in 2008 with a small rinky-dinky company. Seven years later, here I am with yet another rinky-dinky company, only this one has an owner with some broken English continuity. Alas, it has helped with obtaining some threads, m...