Ready for Fall Surprises
Lets's see. Since my last blog, another season of school has begun, as did football season. Summer 2013 has concluded, and Six Flags Great America is building a record-breaking wooden hybrid coaster to replace Iron Wolf for 2014. The days are getting shorter, the weather's getting cooler. Damn, it's all part of life,isn't it? This does lead to that special day in late October where I basically want to break all the rules for just one day and get wasted...on life, that is. I actually got myself dressed for last Sunday service last week. Also attended the 3rd annual Rockford Pride Walk, which raises funds for Rockford Pride Fest 2014, which I am told will be back in the downtown area for 2014. Here's proof right here, along side my friend Jenin on the left. She goes to church with me. I had to get a pic with me and this rainbow boa on the right. i thought it was, well, divine!! The weather was nice this past Sunday;just not as many people attending this event than...